My Loves, 

You must know how excited I am to be bringing my books back to life. After recently acquiring the rights to everything I’ve published, I’ve gone back to the drawing board. I’ve taken all of your amazing feedback, handed my heart over to my editor, and have busy crafting away behind the scenes. 

The first of my Taylor Swift-esque re-releases? 

Waiting For A Star To Fall

It’s Tom and Isobel from One Week ‘til Christmas, but not as you know them.


She was looking for a break. He was looking for forever. 

When travel writer Isobel Bennett finds herself in London a week before Christmas, all she can think of is snow-covered streets, festive markets, and reuniting with her best friend. That’s until a handsome stranger slips on ice, sending them both tumbling to the ground. The weather may be icy, but Isobel is sure the chemistry between them is crackling. 

He’s gone before Isobel can catch his name but, when they cross paths again the next morning, she’s sure it’s fate. He’s Tom Bracken, up-and-coming actor, and he needs Isobel’s help: raise his online profile to help him land a leading-man role. 

Unsure she has anything to offer, but unable to deny the chemistry between them, Isobel reluctantly agrees. Ice skating at Somerset House, sharing family recipes, and cosy strolls along the South Bank markets soon bring out Tom’s charm and holiday spirit. Others are noticing too, and he’s soon capturing all the right attention. But will Tom’s newfound popularity threaten their blossoming romance? And what happens when their fairy-tale week together comes to an end?

Coming soon in paperback and ebook. PreOrder your signed paperbacks here.